The third addition to the NPC Packs. The NPCs are pixel art. Each one is 64x64 pixels and comes with an idle animation. Best suited for side-scroller projects.NPC Pack 3 includes 30 pixel art NPCs sized 64x64. These NPCs are perfect for side-scroller projects. These NPCs go along with my Item pack and other packs!Feel free to keep updated with my art or future content by clicking HERE and do not forget to rate and review! More feedback lets me know that the packs require additional content!What is included in the pack?Number of NPCs: 30Albert: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Alessia: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Arbiter: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Armolas: 4 frames (Idle)Arty: 4 frames (Idle)Azazel: 10 frames, 2 animation (Idle, Spin)Blues: 6 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Brick: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Colton: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Commander: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Divok: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Drak: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Ezekiel: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Frog Defeated: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Frog Monk: 8 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Frog Scout: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Jan: 8 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Joan: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Lonkhor: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Menes: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Nicholas: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Rose: 6 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Soldier 1: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Soldier 2: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Soldier 3: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Time Keeper: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Vorkath: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Yin: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Zen: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Zlayer: 4 frames, 1 animation (Idle)Sprites are pixel artSprites are animatedNPCs are two directionalTotal NPCs: 30Total animations: 31Total Frames: 138Sprite Dimensions: 64x64px