Low-poly model of the character soldier shooter 4Low-poly model of the character Soldier shooter 3 Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.additional rigg:jawtongue_01-02eye_r/lweap_l/rbag_rmilitary_flask_01-03flaskcase_01-02back_bagrifle_01-04rifle_bayonet1rifle_ramrodrifle_descendertriggerPBR textures TARGA, for the whole character,including his weapon, only 1 set of textures and 1 beard pack- has a size from 256-4kBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha (body and beard hair)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an rifle has only 11104 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon - 10200 Verts 24934 tris - 20101 rifle polygon - 904 verts - 875 tris - 1671just in case if needed there is a stock(body under clothes 2032 verts - 2043 - tris - 4044)Number of textures 50Texture dimensions 256x256,512x512,2048x2048, 4096x4096Polygon count of Soldier shooter 4 10200Number of meshes/prefabs 12Rigging: YesAnimation count 12Animation type listattackidle_attackstart_fireidle_shotshotrechargerunwalkidledeathimpactjumpUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)