Create 2D/3D ,Realtime and static, world and screen-space minimaps with the option of adding on and off-screen Ui trackers. All requiring no coding and builds for all Unity platforms.PRO Radar Builder is a powerful ● Full Screen 2D UI canvas Maps.● 3D Radars(World & Screen Space)● 2D Standard Radars● 2D Unity UI Radars (World & screen space)● Navigation system● Compass● Environment Resimulation● Realtime Minimap● Static Minimap● Target TrackersThe internal pooling & Optimization module allows you to have greater control over speed and efficiency of the systems you create.NO CODING NEEDEDTo design your radar, just put layer and deign sprites however you want.● Runs in VR● 9 Point screen snapping● Toggle between world and Screen space● Multiple rotation tracking options● Custom radar sprite rotation targeting● Custom blip rotation targeting●UI Target Tracker extension● Prefab Blip support● Mesh Blips at LODs● Sprite Blip Support● Height tracing (tracking lines)● Blip pinning● Minimaps and Radars of any shape● Display & track thousands of objects● Design tracking bound visualization● Inner and Outer tracking bounds● Pan and Zoom● Manual positioning Option● Powerful Rotation Target System● Sale blips by distance●"Track Y Position" toggle function for radars that need to track blips moving through the y axis, this means that the z axis wont be tracked when this is turned on.● Treat the radar like any other object, scale it , rotate it , position it , make it a child● and much much more (╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯CONTACT ME AT daimangou@gmail.com (we respond faster to emails)Full Screen 2D UI canvas Maps.● 3D Radars(World & Screen Space)● 2D Standard Radars● 2D Unity UI Radars (World & screen space)● Navigation system● Compass● Environment Resimulation● Realtime Minimap● Static Minimap● Target Trackers● Runs in VR● 9 Point screen snapping● Toggle between world and Screen space● Multiple rotation tracking options● Custom radar sprite rotation targeting● Custom blip rotation targeting●UI Target Tracker extension● Prefab Blip support● Mesh Blips at LODs● Sprite Blip Support● Height tracing (tracking lines)● Blip pinning● Minimaps and Radars of any shape● Display & track thousands of objects● Design tracking bound visualization● Inner and Outer tracking bounds● Pan and Zoom● Manual positioning Option● Powerful Rotation Target System● Sale blips by distance