Inventory Item + Shop & Money System + Enemy AIINTERACTIVE WEB DEMO: https://manbearpigman.itch.io/inventory-shop-system-demo**REQUIRES UNITY NAVMESH COMPONENTS***https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponentsor install "AI Navigation" using package manager (for newer Unity versions only!)Need a quick an easy inventory system that actually saves? Look no further! This asset provides a demo player controller, as well as a system for inventory & items, enemy AI, pickups, shop purchases and selling items!Features:1. UI based inventory with drag & drop capability2. Equipment (add remove items on player) (optional!)3. Useable Inventory Items (optional!)4. Gold, silver, copper money system5. Sell items6. Buy items7. Save/Load game using playerprefs for money and stats and json's for inventory items8. Save/Load player positions9. Shop system with cost multiplier10. Enemy AI11. Basic combat system12. NEW Loot chests13. NEW Armor14. NEW Random loot drops on enemy killFeatures:1. UI based inventory with drag & drop capability2. Equipment (add remove items on player) (optional!)3. Useable Inventory Items (optional!)4. Gold, silver, copper money system5. Sell items6. Buy items7. Save/Load game using playerprefs for money and stats and json's for inventory items8. Save/Load player positions9. Shop system with cost multiplier10. Enemy AI11. basic combat system12. NEW Loot chests13. NEW Armor14. NEW Random loot drops on enemy kill