Complete set of 80 meticulously hand drawn survival game icons for immersive post-apocalyptic gameplayThis survival game icons package is a comprehensive collection of meticulously hand drawn icons designed to enhance any post-apocalyptic or survival game project.These 80 icons depict a variety of objects, weapons, materials, food items, beverages, clothing, tools, quest items, and more, providing a diverse range of visual elements to elevate the player's experience.Each icon is created with attention to detail to ensure complete immersion in your game.Our icons package is an invaluable resource for game developers looking to create a realistic and captivating survival world.Sizes:256x256512x5121024x10242048x20484096x4096Food Items Icons:AppleFishRaw MeatCooked MeatBreadBerriesMushroomsCanned FoodBeverage Items Icons:Water BottleSoda BottleAlcohol BottleEmpty BottleFruit JuiceMilkCoffeeWater FlaskPanCrafting and Material Items Icons:Wooden PlankMetal PlankMetal BarLeatherFabricThreadNailsRopeGas CanWire CuttersHammerWrenchShovelHealing Items Icons:BandagesFirst Aid KitAntibioticsWeapons and Tools Icons:Survival KnifePistolShotgunAK47 Assault RifleSniper RiflePump-action ShotgunSubmachine Gun (SMG)Handgun AmmoRifle AmmoShotgun ShellsBowArrowsStone AxeMetal AxeMetal PickaxeClubBaseball BatSpiked Baseball BatMolotov CocktailGrenadeGathering Items Icons:Medicinal HerbsMortarFishing RodFishing HookElectronic ComponentsLetter (Added)Clothing and Armor Items Icons:Lightweight BackpackMilitary BackpackMilitary HelmetTactical Ballistic HelmetMilitary plate carrierPolice Bulletproof VestQuest Items Icons:DocumentLetter (Added)KeyLeisure Items Icons:BookCompassJournalRadioHarmonicaScotch TapeMapFlashlightLighterCameraBatteriesDeck of CardsTeddy Bear Plush