Card Deck (52 cards, 5 backs, 1 joker)The package is intended to offer a complete card deck that can be used to implement Poker, Blackjack or any other card game.This package contains:52 standard card images drawn by hand (mostly) in an external drawing software5 back cards using various styles1 joker card1 card prefab that can be used in games1 shader and 1 material for the card prefabThe card prefab has face and back (effect allowed by the included shader and material). This is useful if your game has card animations that involve flipping, rotating or a combination of both.This card deck is included in the Video Poker Starter Kit package (a complete poker game template).Third party software licences:No third party software is included in this package.52 standard card images5 back cards using various styles1 joker cardThe cards are designed to look good at 1080p resolution (good fit for mobiles), by using a UGUI Canvas component set at this resolution. Using UGUI will help you benefit from automatic scaling to any resolution the target device may have. On the other hand, the images can also be packed into an atlas and used in 3D games.