Orc BerserkRigged with Epic Skeleton. Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: cloth_front1-3; cloth_back1-3; shoulder1; eye_r/l; jaw1; hair; hair1-16.Animations re-target in Unreal Engine.Textures pack one 4096x4096 (down to 1024х1-1024)4 skinsMorph Targets 88 materials19 texture mapsfaces 22661verts 20777tris 40306OrcShaman 1Rigged with Epic Skeleton. Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: Jaw1, EyeR1, EyeL1, ClothR1-ClothR5, ClothL1-ClothL5, ClothBack-ClothBack2, StaffOS.Easy Animations retarget in Unreal Engine.Textures pack one 4096x4096 (down to 1024х1-1024)4 skins8 materials18 texture mapsfaces 13912verts 13294tris 26360FantasyOrc1Rigged with Epic Skeleton. Additional bones that are added to Epic Skeleton: jaw1; sword1; cloth1-4.Easy Animations retarget in Unreal Engine.Textures pack one 4096x4096 (down to 1024х1-1024)3 skinsMorph Targets 46 materials3 material instance16 texture mapsfaces 13137verts 12372tris 24606Number of textures 19, 18, 16Texture dimensions 4096Maximum polygon count 22661, 13912, 13137Number of meshes/prefabs 16, 16, 12Rigging: YesAnimation count NOUV mapping: YesLOD information (count, number of levels) NOTypes of materials and texture maps (e.g., PBR) YES