This Action Pack contains Amazing BMX Bike Animations. 1 bike with 2 textures, 4 avatars, with 55+ animations, added in place and progressive both the versions of each animation.This Animation Pack works with every version of unity,It has humanoid and Generic Animations format flexibility.you can easily replace with your custom avatar.package contains Fbx files and Png files.optimized for mobile gamesprovided generic and humanoid both.with inplace and progressive for each animation.please check the videos for animationsThis package comes with 60+ BMX Animations30+ BMX Tricks Animations, 30+ Bicycle Animationstotal 80 Animations AddedRig and animations are done in Humanoid setupAnimation Details-----------------------Provided Humanoid animationsAnimations added both ways inplace and Root motion..LIST: RACE ANIMATIONS------Acrobatsbike startfootrestfull wheelyHalf wheelyget downget onleft bendright benfleft tiltright tiltleft fall right fallput brakestart idlespeed loopdrive loopspush backtiltsGreetWinDisappointstuntsAnd 30+ Different kinds of BMX tricksMesh And texture DetailsAvatars Details:BMXAVATARFace,Body : Verts-3060,Tris-6038Shoe : Verts-3584,Tris-6356Costume : Verts-2976,Tris-5546Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-9620,Tris-17940RACER_AVATAR_4Face : Verts-446,Tris-876Helmet_Raser : Verts-400,Tris-758Helmet_Dirt : Verts-1468,Tris-2686Helmet_scooty : Verts-269,Tris-524SunGlasses : Verts-90,Tris-154Cap : Verts-367,Tris-704Shoe : Verts-262,Tris-516Costume : Verts-2042,Tris-41046Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-6534,Tris-12584CasualAvatar_09Face,Body : Verts-54219,Tris-108192Hair : Verts-3267,Tris-5426Shoe : Verts-5204,Tris-10400Costume : Verts-15788,Tris-31064Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-78478,Tris-155082CASUALAVATAR_08Face,Body : Verts-2501,Tris-4872Hair : Verts-18344,Tris-35476Shoe : Verts-1778,Tris-3532Costume : Verts-2772,Tris-5366Total_Mesh_Count : Verts-25395,Tris-49246BMX bike has 6k Poly tries and with 1k texture page with 2 texture variationsAplease watch the video to check the animationsNote: Environment which shown in demo is not added