The Phoenix pack is an audio pack you can use to create the sounds of the mythological creature...The PhoenixThis is a construction pack that includes numerous audio files for creating sounds of a PhoenixI have includedDeath, and Rebirth Fire Sounds Wings SoundScreech SoundI Have included.Wav - for Quality (44.1khz 24bit)Filename DescriptionFire Ambience The sound of a fire burning a cityFire Ambience Raging Loop The sound of a raging fireAttack 1 The attack scream of creatureAttack 2 The attack scream of creatureAttack 3 The attack scream of creatureAttack 4 The attack scream of creaturePhoenix Fall in Water The sound of firey phoenix falling in waterPhoenix Fall To the Ground Loose Rocks The sound of firey phoenix falling on loose rocksPhoenix Fall To the Ground Rocks The sound of firey phoenix falling on groundPhoenix Magical Rebirth layer Magical Rebirth of PhoenixPhoenix Rebirth from Ashes Phoenix Rebirth from AshesRebirth or Death 1 Can be used as a rebirth sound or death soundRebirth or Death 2 Can be used as a rebirth sound or death soundRebirth or Death 3 Can be used as a rebirth sound or death soundCall 1 Phoenix CallCall 2 Phoenix CallCall 3 Phoenix CallDive 1 Phoenix dive in airDive 2 Phoenix dive in airPain 1 Phoenix in PainPain 2 Phoenix in PainPain 3 Phoenix in PainScream 1 Phoenix screamingScream 2 Phoenix screamingScream 3 Phoenix screamingScream 4 Phoenix screamingScream 5 Phoenix screamingScream 6 Phoenix screamingScream 7 Phoenix screamingScream 8 Phoenix screamingScream 9 Phoenix screamingScream 10 Phoenix screamingFire Wing Flap Fast Sound of fire wings flapping fastFire Wing Flap Medium Sound of fire wings flapping at medium paceFire Wing Flap Slow Sound of fire wings flapping slowlyFire Wing Flap Super Fast Sound of fire wings flapping super fastIndividual Flap 1 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 2 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 3 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 4 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 5 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 6 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 7 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 8 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 9 Individual flap of wingsIndividual Flap 10 Individual flap of wings