This pack contains a total of 7 optimised Hazel trees (1 shrub, 2 bushes, 3 clusters of varying size and leaf density, 1 fully grown tree). Perfect for forest and fields.There shoudn't be any compatibility issue. The product here is the trees models and textures. You should be able to adapt to any RP.Join the Discord channel for any supportThis pack contains a total of 7 Hazel trees at different stages of life and growing conditions.This pack is using the free shader TVE Lite from Boxophobic and should perfom in any scene & RP.Feel free to switch the shader to something else if you prefer.1. 3D MODELAll are stuctured this way : LOD 0, LOD 1 (about 50-60% of the LOD0 tris), Cross billboard.I would recommend replacing the billboard by an impostor for better visuals. (that's what i did).Impostor prefabs are also available if you use Amplify Impostors.You can find the tris number of each tree in the technical detailsTrees are vertex painted :Red - Motion variation phaseGreen - Branch bendingBlue - Leaf flutter animationAlpha - Ambient occlusion2. TexturesTextures are packed & atlased as following :Albedo Texture - Base Color (RGB) Alpha (A)Normal Texture - Unity default Normal MapMask TextureRed - Metallic for Prop Shader / Unused for Bark and Plant ShadersGreen - Ambient OcclusionBlue - Detail Mask for Prop and Bark Shaders / Subsurface Mask for Plant ShaderAlpha - Smoothness3. SHADERThis pack does not include any shader of my making.If you already have the full version of TVE you still have to download TVE Lite. You can then convert the prefabs normally and you will be all set.The four lasts pictures show what i have done with the trees in my own game Beasts of Steel. The scene isn't part of the package.Leaves & branch textures are 4K, Billboards as well, barks are 2K.3 Hazel bushes- 1 shrub (36 tri) : Great in all conditions- 2 bushes (513/614 tri)3 Hazel cluster- (627/2,6k/1,9k tri) : Ideal for forests & hedge1 Hazel tree- (3,4k tri)