High quality rigged low poly penguin with 27 different animations!For UPR convert the shaders:Open your Project in Unity, and go to Edit > Render Pipeline > Universal Render Pipeline.According to your needs, select either Upgrade Project Materials to URP Materials or Upgrade Selected Materials to URP Materials.Documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@7.1/manual/upgrading-your-shaders.htmlHigh quality rigged low poly penguin with 27 different animations and two styles!If you like this package you should also check out Low Poly Bird: Swan.If you have any questions or requests please write us at:office.pulsarbytes@gmail.comWebsiteDiscordTwitterYouTubeTexture: 32 x 32 pixel (Albedo)Vertex count: 862Animations (27):• Walk Straight• Walk Turn Right• Walk Turn Left• Jump Start• Jump Loop• Jump End• Idle 1• Idle 2• Idle 3• Idle 4• Sleep Start• Sleep Loop• Sleep End• Slide Start• Slide Idle• Slide Straight• Slide Turn Right• Slide Turn Left• Slide End• Swim Start• Swim Straight• Swim Turn Right• Swim Turn Left• Swim End• glide Straight• Glide Turn Right• Glide Turn Left