This package offers a comprehensive ping system, heavily inspired by the renowned Battle Royale Apex Legends.Elevate your multiplayer gaming experience with the Complete Ping System, a comprehensive solution designed to streamline communication and coordination among players. Whether crafting intense team-based shooters, immersive cooperative survival adventures, or engaging in any multiplayer endeavor, this package offers an out-of-the-box solution to elevate player interaction.Simplify complex coordination tasks by seamlessly integrating dynamic ping markers into your game environment. Effectively communicate points of interest, orchestrate precise actions with teammates, and foster efficient communication, all through an intuitive and potent ping system.What sets the Complete Ping System apart is its ability to seamlessly merge with Photon 2, ensuring a harmonious multiplayer environment. This integration eliminates technical hurdles, freeing you to focus on crafting captivating gameplay experiences that resonate with your audience.Unlock a realm of possibilities without the headache of intricate development. The Complete Ping System is your all-in-one solution, tailored to empower developers and enrich player engagement.Asset uses CaviarDreams font which is free licenced for personal and commercial use; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Multiplayer and Local Ping System : The package is thoughtfully designed for both multiplayer environments and local modes. It seamlessly integrates with Photon 2, ensuring a smooth and synchronized gaming experience.World Space Customizable Ping Markers : You can create ping markers within the game environment using real-world coordinates. Other players will see these ping markers and can react to them accordingly.Interactive Ping Feed : Similar to a "Kill Feed" in FPS games, the Ping Feed displays messages related to the creation and interaction with ping markers. This facilitates quick and visual communication among players.Marker Interaction : Players can interact with ping markers to indicate that they've seen the ping or to cancel their own ping. This promotes coordination within the team.Customizable Ping Wheel : The package offers a "ping wheel" feature where you can group different types of ping markers for swift and effective use.Pingable Object pings : You have the ability to ping specific objects designated as "pingable" within the game environment.Works with multiple input systems, using Unity's New Input System.Tested in Unity 2021 and 2022.