Waterfall shader designed for versatile Toon/Cel/Anime aesthetics with simple user-friendly interactions.Unity2012(HDRP12) and Unity2022(HDRP 14) files added🎮 Check out the live web demo here.🎁 This package is currently included in the Neko Legends - All 3D & VFX BundleThis waterfall shader is ideal for both stylized and low-poly game environments. With easy customization options, you can adjust the colors, shine, foam, and wave patterns to your liking. What's more, it's interactive! This means you can make a game character enter and exit the waterfall more realistically to find treasure behind it!!To enable this feature, simply attach the 'InteractorWaterfall' script to any game object. This allows the waterfall to dynamically open and close as the object moves through it. Currently, the shader supports interaction with one object at a time. For a live demonstration, check out our demo video.Note: The demo scene comes with a free Cel Shader with Faux Lighting specifically designed for HDRP (which will also be available in the store in the future)Waterfall Shader modifyable propertiesbase colorinteraction radiusupper halfbotom halfgradientwatergapinnter foam radiusflow speed directionflow variationshine colorshine concentrationshine diminishshine vertical offsetshine scaleshine lengthshime foam middleshine bottom heightwave edge wobble speedwave edge wobble amountwave edge wobble distancewave edge thicknesswave speedwave thicknesswave distortionwave noise scaleSplash Shadersplash texturescalethicknessnoise strengthCel Shader Faux Lighting ShaderMain TextureMain ColorBrightnessLight Horizontal AngleLight Vertical AngleRim LightingRim ColorEmission TextureEmission ColorEmission IntensityNormal TextureNormal Intensity