Not even scratched the surface...
One would say: let the work speak instead.
But is there even work to speak?TWO WEEK DISCOUNTS50% - $35 ($70)From Jan 5 to Jan 19, 2025**************************************Information about all current discounts**************************************BUNDLE-4 Sci-Fi Heavy Station Kitallows you to get the following assets from DOTTEAM:📌 Sci-Fi Heavy Station Kit BASEhttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/sci-fi/sci-fi-heavy-station-kit-base-49151📌 Sci-Fi Heavy Station Kit COLONYhttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/sci-fi/sci-fi-heavy-station-kit-colony-147103📌 Sci-Fi Heavy Station Kit HANGARShttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/sci-fi/sci-fi-heavy-station-kit-hangars-56427📌 Sci-Fi Heavy Station Kit DUGOUThttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/sci-fi/sci-fi-heavy-station-kit-dugout-195678📌 Sci-Fi Heavy Station Kit POWER-UPShttps://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/sci-fi-heavy-station-kit-power-ups-221441These assets, if purchased separately, cost a total of $140✔️ BUYING THIS BUNDLE SAVES YOU $70 (50%) ✔️🔍 After purchasing the bundle, you can use the provided links to "BUY" the specified assets for $0. It is a good idea to do this immediately after purchasing the bundle. 🔍The bundle contains a PDF file BUNDLE-4.pdf that contains this information with links to the specified assets.😎 In addition, the bundle itself contains a bonus model of the symbolic box in the Sci-Fi style. You are free to use it in your projects. 😎