Web D3bug enhances Unity debugging via Websockets, transmitting client logs to the server for efficient error detection, particularly beneficial for VR apps.🪳Web D3bug asset is a tool aimed at improving the process of debugging applications, especially those already built. It often happens that when testing the system in the editor's environment, everything works fine, but after recompiling to the final version, problems arise. In these situations, developers usually use a Development Build or create a simple system for logging information or detecting bugs. In some cases, certain bugs even cause the app to crash completely.In the context of virtual reality (VR) applications, creating such a debugging system and reading logs (in VR) can be particularly inconvenient and troublesome. This is where the asset comes in, which uses Websocket technology to establish a connection between the client (the final build of your application) and the server. This connection allows seamless transfer of logs from the client to the server, which in turn allows for convenient reading of all information directly from the computer. The client application (final pplication build) and the server must be on the same network in order to connect via Websocket.---📜 Documentation:The documentation contains a short note that allows you to build a ready-made server application. Unfortunately, at the moment Unity's policy does not allow me to deliver a ready-made application. However, you should have no problem building your own. Within the "Demo -> Server Logic" folder, you'll find all the files used to create the server application. You can customize this application to your needs or rebuild it from scratch if you're unsure about the pre-built solution.---🔗 Dependencies:The application requires an external asset (not included): LeanTween (free version)The application uses built packages: BurstMathematicsNewtonsoft JsonTextMeshPro---I would like to thank you, Creator, in advance for your trust. Your support is incredibly valuable. If you're satisfied with the asset or have ideas for its expansion, or even feedback, I encourage you to share them with me in the reviews section. They are extremely important to me and help me create better solutions. 👍With gratitude,Paweł.Features1) Creating a Server on Any Address: The server asset allows you to easily create a server on a selected address, with the option of defaulting to a local IP. The ability to host the server on a public server allows clients to connect to the server from outside the local network.2) Saving Customer Logs to a File: This functionality allows customers to save logs to a file, enabling later analysis and error diagnosis.3) Clearing Logs and Removing Disconnected Clients: Asset has a log cleaning option, which allows you to maintain data transparency. Disconnected clients are automatically removed from the list, keeping information up-to-date.4) Multiple Number of Clients on the Server: Asset allows multiple clients to connect to a single server application at the same time, which is especially useful in multi-user environments.5) Logging (Collapse): The ability to collapse identical logs contributes to increased readability, improving the efficiency of the analysis.6) Detailed Log Viewing: Asset offers a detailed log review function for more detailed analysis of events.7) Copying Logs to the Clipboard: Users can copy the selected log to the clipboard for easy sharing or deeper analysis.8) Displaying the Log Call List (for the Collapse option): When the Collapse option is enabled, the asset displays the number of calls to a given log, making it easier to understand the context.9) Filtering Logs by Type: The ability to filter logs by type (Log, Warning, Error, Exception) helps in identifying and solving problems.---Supported OSServer Asset: The server software has been thoroughly tested on Windows 10/11 systems only. During the tests, two different script backends were used: IL2CPP and Mono.Client Application: The client application was tested on Windows 10/11 platforms and on Android devices.Test Limitations: Unfortunately, the lack of access to Linux, Mac and iOS environments prevented testing on these platforms. If you can, test it and let me know if it works. I will try to update the description or improve the asset. It should be noted that currently the asset does not support the WebGL environment due to differences in Websocket architecture. Although a solution to this problem is possible, current priorities are focused on ensuring that the package works under Windows and Android.