MFPC - Multi-Input First Person Controller includes an easy-to-use and flexible first-person character control system that supports all input types.⭕ Might require reimporting and conversion of materials if imported on a render pipeline other than the built-in one ⭕[Manual&Documentation|RoadMap|Discord]*This is a LITE FREE version of the [Multi-Input First Person Controller]➡Try the Full Demo version Here⬅• WebGL• APK✔️Features• Input: Mobile, Keyboard&Mouse• Input System: Old Input System• Player System• Settings System• Modular• Build Characters in Seconds• Easy To Improve• Flexible To Use✔️Inbox• Dynamic input change: Mobile, Keyboard&Mouse• Movement states• Movement animations• Smooth camera rotation• Air control• Settings• Save settings• Player movement parameters in ScriptableObject• Character Controller teleport• Possibility of interaction of the character with physical objects✔️Settings Options• Sensivity• Camera Speed Smooth X• Camera Speed Smooth Y• Input Type✔️Movement States• Walk• Run• Jump✔️Integrations✔️Direction Indicator 3D/2DYa hz