For all who have hundreds of health bars in their games (Tower-Defense, Strategy, etc.) and want to shift to a more performant systemGimme Instanced Health Bars is the ideal solution for all games that have a lot of health bars on the screen simultaneously (e.g. Tower-Defense, Strategy, etc.). It replaces slow UI with a custom health bar shader, capable of handling thousands and thousands of instances with ease, with minimal strain on the CPU.Not only that, but it also manages transitions, overlays, fading, scaling, flipbook animations, rendering numbers and text and much more... all on the GPU!You can even create multiple different profiles (with different color schemes, blocks, offsets etc.) for different enemies... still within a single draw call!All that is required, is to drag the controller prefab into the scene, and provide it with the required data (from code). There are two example scenes included, showing how to create some of the effects possible.Documentation: DocumentationEmail | Website | DiscordAsset uses the Amethysta Font under the SIL Open Font License (OFL); see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Supports all Render Pipelines (URP, HDRP, Built-in, custom RP)Editor Undo Support (Custom Inspectors are made with UI Elements)Requires Unity Version 2022.3 LTS or newer! (because of List Pools and UI Elements Features)Dependencies:Burst 1.8.7 or aboveCollections 2.1.4 or aboveMathematics 1.2.6 or aboveSplines 2.2.1 or above (but only for the demo scene)