Create an idyllic, beautiful and peaceful nature. You get custom shaders with free color and coverage change, vegetation bending, LOD, FX, global shader control, animated butterflies and more.Complete these steps before opening the demoscene! Otherwise, Unity may crash! See the documentation for more setup steps!1. Window/Package Manager and install URP2. Window/Rendering/Render Pipeline Converter- Select Built-in to URP, enable Rendering Settings and click on Initialize Converters- Click on Convert AssetsDownload Demo3D Models5 Broadleaf & Blossom Trees (1306 - 3546 tris)5 Willow Trees (901 - 2238 tris)5 Fir (688 - 1422 tris)9 Flowers (60 tris)12 Flower Meadows (8 tris)1 Butterfly (68 tris)6 Branches (72 - 308 tris)3 Bushes (196 - 600 tris)5 Cliffs (248 - 1044 tris)6 Stones (30 - 102 tris)9 Rocks (48 - 504 tris)8 Plants (2 tris)1 Grass (16 tris)3 Lily Pads (660 - 993 tris)2 Waterlilies (126 - 430 tris)3 Cattails (260 - 592 tris)1 Reed (16 tris)ShaderVegetation (customizable top/bottom color with blending, wind, bending)Water (customizable deep and shallow color, depth & coast opacity, foam)Surface (customizable color and coverage)Terrain Textures (1024x1024)BeachDirtCobblestoneForestGrassRockFXGod RaysFloating tree leavesFloating particlesBush leaves effectAnimationButterfliesSkyboxOwn created SkyboxFeaturesAssets have LOD's except the flower meadows, flowers, grass, reeds, plants and butterfliesNo LOD assets can be used as Detail Objects on the terrainThe player can bend vegetationCustom shaders with customizable colors and coverageShaders can be edited with Shader GraphGlobal control about wind and vegetation bendBush leaves effect when the player exits the bushButterflies are animated, spawn and fly around in a certain areaOptimized for PC only, no other platforms tested