This Weapon Pack provides 5 guns, a grenade and a knife, all as game-ready assets. Quickly add guns to any game.This pack provides modern Low-Poly weapons for use in any game.The pack comes included with:Standard RifleSniper RifleSMGSawed Off ShotgunPistolBayonet KnifeFrag GrenadeAll the guns are created from multiple parts, allowing the guns to be fully animated. Buttons can be moved, dials can be rotated, magazines can be moved and the SMG stock can be extended and such. The pivots have all been moved to a position making every part easily animatable.Each weapon has been unwrapped and textured, this means that the texture can be altered to include custom camos and colors if desired.Pack does not come included with animations, effects and such. This is only models and textures.Low-Poly Modern WeaponsFully Modeled, Unwrapped and Textured1024x1024 TexturesMin Poly Count: 420Max Poly Count: 14657 Models7 Textures