This package provides support for Composer, a feature in Wit.ai for visually designing interactive conversations in a graph-based dialogue designer.Conversation Composer for Voice SDKVoice SDK provides support for Composer, a new feature in Wit.ai for designing interactive conversations. Composer is a graph-based dialogue designer that can understand Intents, trigger client-side actions, and provide static or dynamic responses based upon the flow of the conversation.Data received from intents and entities is stored in a key-value JSON object, the `context_map`. From the client side, this context map can receive values from Composer as well as be updated to provide data to Composer.Composer consists of four types of modules:Input modules, which represent information that comes from your end user or from another system.Response modules, which provide the user with a text or voice response, or trigger a client-side action.Decision modules, which provide logic to control the flow of the conversation.Context modules, which modify the data in the context map.Further documentationFor the web interface of Wit.ai, we provide a number of recipes that will give you additional information about how to use Composer, at https://wit.ai/docs/recipesFor the Unity integration with Composer, please see our resources online at https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unity/voice-sdk-composer-creating/DependenciesThis package requires the core Voice SDK package, which will install automatically when installing this package from the Unity Asset Store.Minimal Unity Version - The minimum supported Unity version for Oculus app development is 2021.3 LTS.Release Notes - For new features and changes included in this release, please see https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/package/meta-voice-sdk-composerSupportForumsContactThis is a Restricted Asset pursuant to the Asset Store EULA. Your use of this SDK or tool is subject to the Oculus SDK License Agreement: https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/