The Dictation addon for Voice SDK dictation enables your app to efficiently transcribe speech to text in real time with better recognition results using immersive voice commands.Dictation for Voice SDKVoice SDK’s dictation feature enables your app to efficiently transcribe speech to text in real time. It functions similarly to voice commands except that it does not process the resultant text with natural-language understanding (NLU).The dictation feature is not designed to be used for voice commands, but instead as a text input modality. While you could use regular expressions to parse it to use for handling commands, the text is formatted in a human readable format. As a result, you’ll get much better recognition results using immersive voice commands with Voice SDK’s AppVoiceExperience component.For instructions on getting started, please see the Voice Hub documentation, under the menu Oculus -> Voice SDK -> Voice Hub.DependenciesThis package requires the core Voice SDK package, which will install automatically when installing this package from the Unity Asset Store.Minimal Unity Version - The minimum supported Unity version for Oculus app development is 2021.3 LTS.Release Notes - For new features and changes included in this release, please see: https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/package/meta-voice-sdk-dictationSupportForumsContactThis is a Restricted Asset pursuant to the Asset Store EULA. Your use of this SDK or tool is subject to the Oculus SDK License Agreement: https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/