Magic Sun Direction is an extension for the editor that allows you to quickly align directional light source on a scene with the position of the sun on a static skybox.All Render Pipeline are supported: Built-In, URP and HDRP starting from version 12.Forum Thread | E-Mail | Discord Server - Magic Tools | Telegram | TwitterMagic Sun Direction allows you to quickly align a directional light to skybox. There is also an option to track the rotation of the skybox. Thus, you only need to align your light source once and then it will be synchronized with your skybox in the editor and in the build.Contacts And Documentation:Forum ThreadDiscord Server - Magic ToolsTelegramTwitterE-MailMagic Sun Direction manual (en)Other Our Assets:Magic Sun Direction - Quickly orient a Directional light with SkyboxMagic Lightmap Switcher PRO(Built-In + SRP)Magic Light Probes - High Precision Light Probe GeneratorMagic Destruction Toolkit - NVIDIA Blast Integration (in development)Accurate and quick adjustment of the position of the directional light sourceTracks the rotation of the skybox and automatically aligns the light source with the new positionSupports all Render Pipelines