Unlock the Magic of Sprite Animation with the Magikus Sprite Animation System!Embark on an Enchanting Animation Journey with the Magikus Sprite Animation System! This robust system of components and assets is meticulously designed to simplify the process of creating mesmerizing sprite animations for SpriteRenderer and UI Image components. Elevate your game development experience with effortless ease and efficiency, as you breathe life into your sprites and weave captivating visual tales.Unleash the Power of Animation:Loop animations seamlessly and effortlessly.Take full control of playback speed to set the perfect tempo.Fine-tune time scale adjustments for optimal animation flow.Craft mesmerizing framerate curves to create stunning visual effects.Add a touch of randomness with custom variations for dynamic animations.Unlock the magic of frame reversal and loopback for unique animation sequences.Delight in the art of color manipulation using curves for exquisite sprite animations.Elevate your games to new heights with the enchanting possibilities of the Magikus Sprite Animation System, making every moment of your visual storytelling a truly magical experience.Web: www.magikusstudios.comContact: contact@magikusstudios.comYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/@magikus-studios- Simple Animation.- Infinit Loop Animation.- Multiple Cycle Animation.- Animator Playback Speed.- Animator TimeScale.- Animation Framerate.- Animation Framerate Curve.- Animation Random Framerate.- Animation Loopback.- Animation Reverse Frames.- Animation Skip First Frame On Cycle.- Animation Frames Per Cycle.- Animation Random Order.- Animation Random Frame Range.- Animation Color and Alpha Curves.- Image Sprite Animator Component.