Augmented Reality WebGL - Face Tracking Virtual Try On
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WebAR - Face Tracking Virtual Try On (VTO) !The package comes for built-in RP, but instructions are given on how to use URP in the readme file.This plugin allows you to detect and track one or more faces in real time from the camera video feed, providing you with information about the position and rotation. In addition, it can also detect 4 facial expressions: mouth opening, smile, frown eyebrows, raised eyebrows. All the information can then be used to overlay 3D content for augmented reality applications.Try it!This plugin was built on top of the jeelizFaceFilter library. Check out the jeeliz website!REQUIREMENTSYou must run the experience on https. For testing purposes, I strongly recommend https-localhost.LIMITATIONSIt is not possible to achieve a face paint effect like on Spark AR, as Jeeliz Facefilter only provides a 3D pose for the face.COMPLEMENTARY PLUGINSYou can take AR screenshots with the free ScreenshotWebGL.You can record your AR experience using Recorder WebGL. *You can share/download your AR screenshot/recording with ShareNSaveWebGL.*Only works if you stream the webcam feed into UnityIf you like my plugin, please consider leaving a review. It helps me immensely and encourages me to improve the plugin further, and other people to support my work :).DO YOU WANT LOOK AROUND AR ?Try out this 360 AR experience using GyroscopeAccelerometerWebGL and DeviceCameraWebGL.Detect one or more faces, with information about their position and rotation.Detect four facial expressions: mouth opening, smile, frown eyebrows, raised eyebrows.Extremely configurable. You can configure various scan settings, stabilization settings, video settings, and more. Most of these configurations can be changed at runtime, even. This allows you to fine tune the balance between accuracy and performance.Supports switching phone orientation.Supports optionally streaming the webcam feed into Unity so you can manipulate it if you want to (post processing, recording, etc).Cross browser support: Tested on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Samsung Internet .**For the No webcam texture version to work on Opera and Samsung Internet, you need to disable manual zoom. On Opera, go to Settings->Content->Force enable zoom and toggle off. On Samsung Internet, go to Settings-> Webpage view and scrolling -> Pinch to zoom in/out of webpages and toggle off.