Bring life to your retro / isometric games with 12 pre-rendered and animated animals!Demo scene and billboard shader built using URP. Rendered textures and sprites can be used normally with any render pipeline.Sprites created using RetroRenderFeatured Animals🐻 Bears 🐻🦅 Birds 🦅 (2 Variants)😺 Cats 😺 (2 Variants)🐔 Chicken 🐔🐄 Cows 🐄 (2 Variants)🦌 Deer 🦌 (2 Variants)🐶 Dogs 🐶🐎 Horses 🐎Includes over 40 animal renders in total!Directional Billboard ShaderWith the included directional billboard shader animal sprites rotate and adapt to the camera's perspective, just like in classic RPGs.Expand and CustomizeThis asset pack not only provides pre-made animal animations and sprites but also includes the models used to create them, allowing you to create additional animations tailored to your specific needs.SPECIFICATIONS:- Animal models range between 600 to 2100 polygons each- Rendered animals are between 128x pixel sprites- Rendered animal sprites are stored together in a spritesheets of 2048x1024 pixel textures- Sprite Animations are sampled at 60 frames per second- Over 40 rendered spritesheets are provided