Low Poly Factory Machine Pack Vol 2We offer factory materials and machines that you can easily use in your Low Poly games.Mobile friendly low poly modelling and optimized texturing.Don't miss out on up to 46% off on purchases with Bundle Asset!Low Poly Factory Machine Pack CollectionIf you buy the Factory Pack Collection individually$36,97 of Value ( 💲Save 46%💲 )A bundle which includes All Factory Packs.Low Poly Factory Machine Pack Vol 1Low Poly Factory Machine Pack Vol 2Low Poly Factory Machine Pack Vol 3Low Poly Factory Machine Pack Vol 4Pack InfoTotal :- Game-ready 30 Prefabs- 7 unique machines (animated)- 4 modular conveyors (animated)- 2 different animation robot arm- Particle and animation are available on all machines.- Pallet texture- Demo scene included- A machine has an average of 15k triangleCapabilityUnity 2017.1 aboveUniversal Rendering Pipeline (URP)Easy to adapt to High Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP)Mobile friendlyThank you all for purchasing this pack!If you have questions or comments, feel free to send us an email to ekrem78ekrem@gmail.com