Wooden Pixel Art GUI Kit with various style icons, featuring Windowed and Fullscreen views will fit perfectly with your next project!WebGL DEMOWindows:SettingsShopCurrency ShopSkillsInventoryEquipmentCreate characterSaved GamesQuestsQuest descriptionLevelsLevel completed & Level failedMessagesAchievementsLoginRegisterExitItem infoDeleteChat & Small in game ChatScreens:SettingsShopSkillsInventoryCreate characterRankingQuestsAchievementsChatLevels195 Unique Items & Icons49 8x8px icons in 7 colors24 16x16px icons in 4 colors122 32x32px icons in 2 versions: regular & outlinedButtons:Regular (in 3 colors)Regular Outlined (in 3 colors)With icons (in 2 colors & 2 sizes)Outlined with icons (in 2 colors & 2 sizes)Close, Help, Info, ShareCheckbox, Toggle, RadioOther elements:Health & Mana Bubbles (in 6 colors, editable fill colors in Unity)Health & Mana Bars (in 6 colors & 4 variations)ScrollbarsSliders (small & big)Input fieldAction barMini mapTimerScore boxDialogue boxesAchievement unlocked popupPrefabs:ButtonsBarsSlidersBubblesDropdownInput fieldsRadio & checkboxCurrency displayMenusManual & tutorialsOur other GUI:Pixel Art GUI / UI Kit - over 400 PNG + 151 icons!Pixel Art GUI / UI Kit 2 - 200+ icons, over 650 PNG!Horror Grunge Dark GUI / UI kit - over 1500 PNG, editable sources!Blue Casual GUIFlat military, dark, 4k GUI Kit - over 400 PNG files!Stone & Jungle GUI / UI Kit + over 850 PNG + PDS/AI sources!Flat clean GUI - over 200 PNG files!Cartoon Fantasy GUISpooky halloween GUI Kit - over 500 PNG files!Funny, clean cartoon GUI - over 180 PNG files!Flat white, minimalistic GUI - 4k, over 200 PNG files!...and many more!Check out also:Full Fantasy Game Set / BundleBest GUIs for your games and apps!OUR ASSETS | SUPPORT | ABOUT US