This is a bundle including all of Piloto Studio's Stylized Elemental VFX. Over 600 Dollars of Value from our other elemental bundles squeezed into one!IMPORTANT: To change your rendering pipeline, make sure to download the dependency package and also read the readme file!⚡SUPER Spells PACK!⚡This package contains over 900 game-ready VFX, coming in a variety of flavors to spice up your game! This pack is updated very frequently with new content, and its price gets adjusted periodically to reflect that.---This is a bundle with the following packages bundled inside at a heavily discounted price:Arcane Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZqBlood Crimson Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZrCute Fairy Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZsDarkness & Automatron Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZtDruid Nature Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZuFire Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZvFrost & Ice Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZwGale Wind Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZxHoly & Paladin Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZyRainbow Prismatic Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZzShock - Lighting - Electric Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZAUniverse Cosmic Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZBVoid Darkness Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZCWarlock Ghostly Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZDWater Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/38ZETech Magic Spells Bundle https://u3d.as/3pfTAnd More!These are categorized into 16 different elements:ArcaneCrimsonDarkFairyFireFrostHolyLightMistNatureShock YellowShock BlueUniverseVoidWaterWindTech---All VFX are well optimized and ready for mobile and console.We offer compatibility for both Standard render pipeline, Universal render pipeline (URP), and High definition render pipeline (HDRP).---✨ Key Features ✨Minimal set-up to get it working on your own mesh1 Shader for all particles1 Shader for all 3D ModelsIncludes one asset overview scene, and a contextual example of usage.Compatible with ALL rendering pipelinesStylized art styleDrag and Drop!Some of the Actions VFX include:AOE ExplosionAuraBeam EffectElemental Sword SlashEnchanted GroundImpact VFXImpales FXMesh FXMuzzle FlashOrbProjectileSky FlurriesRecallsTornadosAOE ConesAnd More Sorted Combat FX!432 Materials232 Textures2 Shaders