A collection of high quality ghost hunting equipment to enhance your paranormal investigation games.This package consists of 13 model assets of paranormal investigation equipment with a realistic style, suitable for any genre.Equipment List:Spirit BoxEMF MeterMel MeterThermal CameraHD CameraDigital RecorderIR LightMotion SensorGeiger CounterOuija BoardUV FlashlightTripod9V BatteryUV Mapping: YesPrefabs: YesMeshes: FBXTextures: TGAMaterials: PBRTexture Size: 2048x2048 & 4096x4096Triangle count: Spirit Box: 8124EMF Meter: 2281Mel Meter: 6263Thermal Camera: 4134HD Camera: 4270Digital Recorder: 7822IR Light: 5254Motion Sensor: 2128Geiger Counter: 5624Ouija Board: 608UV Flashlight: 8704Tripod: 83349V Battery: 426