Looking for simple street signs, try my package and get the most common US street signs you can find.This package includes 205 of the most common US street and property signs ranging from parking to crosswalks and construction to highway signs. All of the signs are mapped out to one UV map 600x600 pixels and a 9.1 MB PNG. there is a separate texture for the poles which is 1024x768 Pixels and a 982.1 KB PNG.. All of the signs together total out to 12204 Verts with 58 average verts per model, 23553 Faces with an average of 113 faces per model, and 23562 tris with an average of 113 tris per model and 207 object meshes including the pole and ground texture. Each prefab is set up as a 2-level adjustable LOD so that your game will not try to render signs that are not in immediate view of your scene camera. and 207 original meshes.