The package is a collection of basic codes and systems that are needed for almost every game, such as a save system and audio manager.The package fits into almost any game, and I designed it with ease of use and wide usability in mind.I welcome your feedback on the package so that I can fix any bugs that may arise and add new features according to the needs of the audience.I'm working on the package regularly, so expect updates with bugfixes or even new features in the future.The package includes:A save systemEasy to useCan be used in a wide range of applicationsCan manage multiple save filesCompared to other backup systems, it can also save:ColorColor32Vector2Vector3Vector4Vector2IntVector3IntQuaternionMeshAn audio managerCan play music continuously while changing sceneAutomatic music and ambient playback based on soundtrackCan handle multiple sounds at the same timeSeparates sounds into 3 different sound outputs, so you can adjust the volume according to their type:MusicAmbientEffectUtility FunctionsArray ManagementAddRemoveSearchSortReplaceObject ManagementFind Object based on InstanceID includeing assetsThe package works on any OS.