A working 3D resin printer designed with ease of use in mind, capable of printing all types of GameObjects, from individual meshes to entire prefabs, while being compatible with all pipelines.Perfectly fits in a variety of game genres, from survival to simulators, a 3D Printer unlocks a multitude of possibilities with its ability to print any object. I have included a demo scene which will show you the simple setup needed to print your first own object. Key Features:Plug & Play: This printer is not limited to specific shapes or sizes; it can print any type of GameObject, from single meshes to whole prefabs without the need of having to prepare the object to make it printable.Resin System: The built-in resin system allows for realtime resin usage which means the resin level will update in realtime while the printer is printing. This can be seen on the display and on the resin level itself. Dont like the resin system? just disable it. This and many more settings are adjustable through inspector and script.Seamless Integration: Designed with ease of use in mind, the printer is a plug & play asset, enabling smooth integration into any pipeline. Save valuable time and resources with a hassle-free setup process thanks to provided shaders & textures for all pipelines.Intuitive Interface: The ResinPrinterinterface.cs allows you to interact with the printer effortlessly, making it simple to adjust settings, monitor progress, and achieve your desired results. All you need is a reference to the ResinPrinterInterface, after that you can already start a print with just 1 line of code. A demo scene is included with an example script.Adjustable: Many settings can be adjust through inspector and script, these settings include things like: print modes, material settings, resin color, display colors, printing speed, printing size, and many more.Resin Bottle: I included a Resin Bottle which you could make a lootable item to fill up the resin of the printer.Optimized Prefabs with LODs and Colliders: I made sure that LODs & Colliders are already applied on the printer and the provided resin bottle.Documentation: Included is a detailed documentation that describes all methods, variables, and functionalities.All Images are not edited and were directly captured in the demo scene. (Unity URP).If you dont have TextMeshPro already imported, you may get prompted to import it, if that happens just click "import TMP Essentials", and then close the window, alternatively you can install it through the package manager since its part of the unity registry. You may want to disable the icons of TextMeshPro in editor view since they are quiet large and overlapping the printer.Also make sure you have ShaderGraph installed, especially if you are running on the BuiltIn pipeline. ShaderGraph can also be installed through the package manager like TextMeshPro.Printer and resin bottle are using 4K textures.Textures for HDRP (Mask Maps) are included to ensure compatibility.Printer LODs (approximately)LOD0: 4500 Tris.LOD1: 3100 Tris.LOD2: 1000 Tris.Bottle LODs:LOD0: 936 Tris.LOD1: 560 Tris.LOD2: 302 Tris.