Twenty tracks of menacing music and wasteland radio for your apocalypse!When you're wandering deserted streets or scavenging in the desert while dodging raiders, don't face your doom in silence! This collection of music, atmosphere, and radio broadcasts from composer Joel Steudler is your auditory armor for the pre-, post-, or just plain apocalypse. Military marches, eerie ambience, and some sweet old-time tunes including the song Gone Tomorrow will make your wastelands feel less barren!Bullet Points:- 20 BGM tracks suitable for battles, dungeons, themes, and towns!- 5 Radio broadcasts suitable for a wasteland radio station- 5 Atmospheres for your apocalyptic world- .ogg, and .m4a formats included.Atmosphere - Dark WindsAtmosphere - Radiation LeakAtmosphere - Static InterferenceAtmosphere - Underground TracksAtmosphere - Weird StormBattle - Badlands BanditsBattle - Mutated BeastsBattle - Ranger PatrolBattle - Ruin RaidersBattle - Scouting PartyDungeon - Abandoned ReactorDungeon - Containment AreaDungeon - Empty StreetsDungeon - Fear FactoryDungeon - Industrial DecayRadio - Ad - Bubble Bomb Chewing GumRadio - Ad - Old Man StuRadio - Ad - Personal Combat RazorRadio - Ad - Preservatory Hair TonicRadio - Intro - WAST identTheme - Five Star GeneralTheme - Gone TomorrowTheme - Gone Tomorrow CLEANTheme - Gone Tomorrow INSTRUMENTALTheme - Militia MarchTheme - Radio RelicTheme - Radio Relic CLEANTheme - Ranger OneTown - Evacuated ZoneTown - Military CompoundTown - Old City RuinsTown - Questionable SanctuaryTown - Wasteland Camp