Control your Unity Application from any browser in your local network. You can trigger events via buttons or control variables via sliders, toggles, or color pickers.Tested with Unity 2022.3.0 (LTS)The toolkit allows you to trigger actions or change parameters through an automatically generated web interface. There is no easier way to control your Unity app from any browser.The features include:Syncing between browser and unity of floats using sliders, bools using toggles, and colors using color pickers, even vector2's via joysticks.Easy setup: Drag the prefab into your scene and synchronize your variables by adding simple attributes like [SyncedSlider(0f, 200f)] to your scripts.Trigger actions (UnityEvents) through buttons.Synchronizes across all clients. Connect as many devices as you want.SyncedAnimator: Automatically synchronizes all Animator parameters.Auto-generated but customizable web interface using HTML and CSS.Works on Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS.This highly flexible toolkit is handy for various use cases, such as:Live Events: Control a Unity App running on a big screen using your smartphone or tablet.Debugging & Testing: Control an App deployed on your phone via your desktop browser.Game Controller: Use phones instead of game controllers for testing.Presentations: Create stunning visual presentations that are controllable via your phone.Audience Interaction: Allow audience members to interact with your application.Feature Rich package:This package has rich core features such as an HTTP and WebSocket server inside of Unity and automatic QR-Code generation which enables RemoteInteractionToolkit. These are components that could be paid assets on their own.And more! Let me know how you use it.- HTTP and Websocket Server inside of Unity- Automatically generates HTML Website accessible in your local networks- Synchronization across all clients. The values sync across the server and all clients no matter where you change them