A 2D multi-material continuum physics engine designed for real-time applications.MacOS only supports M1 chips.Visit our GitHub | Youtube | Twitter | DiscordSoft2D is a 2D multi-material continuum physics engine designed for real-time applications. Soft2D-for-Unity provides a high-level encapsulation for Soft2D and offers users a range of easy-to-use interfaces, enabling users to easily implement various physical simulations in Unity. A detailed tutorial of Soft2D-for-Unity can be found in User Documentation.Asset uses third-party components including Soft2D and Taichi-C-API under Apache-2.0 license; see 'Third-Party Notices.txt' file in the package for details.Multi-material: Elastic bodies, fluid, sand, snow.High-level abstraction: world, body, emitter, collider, trigger.Universal Deployment: Linux, Windows, MacOS/iOS, Android.Easy-to-use editor tools: Create a simulation scene in seconds.Supports 2D and 3D rendering: Requires just a few clicks to modify rendering effects.Contains rich and comprehensive tutorials and sample scenes.