Wingman is an AI assistant tool for the Unity Editor, including assistant windows for Art, Code, Design and Language tasks.30% off for the first week!Runtime support coming soon!- Wingman -Wingman is an editor tool which integrates an AI assistant for you to develop games faster than ever. Wingman implements OpenAI & ChatGPT integration for AI prompting and responses.- Overview -Wingman has 4 main features in its toolkit:ArtArt Generator (DALL-E)Color Palette GeneratorCodeDevelopment AssistantScript EditorScript DocumentorCreativeCreative AssistantName GeneratorBackstory GeneratorGame Idea GeneratorLanguageGrammar CheckerLanguage Translator- Key Features -Art Generator generates prototype textures and 2d art.Color Palette Generator will give a wide range of color palettes for your game.Development Assistant a persistent assistant for tough development tasks.Script Editor edits scripts for you based on a natural language prompt.Script Documenter which documents provided code.Creative Assistant for help with creative questions and tasks.Name Generator to help with creative names.Character Backstory Generator to help generate unique backstories.Game Idea Generator to generate game ideas to get you started.Grammar Correction corrects grammar into standard English.Translator translates text from a source language to a target language.Developer Support.Documentation.Source code provided.Getting started info scene.- Compatibility -Compatible with Unity 2020.3+- Roadmap -We aim to keep improving and adding to Wingman. See here for a detailed list of features we will be implementing.Want to provide your own feedback? Join the Discord! Links are provided below.- Socials -Website | Youtube- Support -Discord- Warning -Wingman requires an internet connection and an OpenAI API account to function correctly.Third Party NoticeAsset uses diff-match-patch under Apache License 2.0; Asset uses opensans font under SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Main Features:Art GeneratorColor Palette GeneratorDevelopment AssistantScript EditorScript DocumenterCreative AssistantName GeneratorCharacter Backstory GeneratorGame Idea GeneratorGrammar CorrectionTranslatorAdditional Features:Developer SupportDocumentationGetting started info sceneCompatibility:Compatible with Unity 2020.3+