Automate the import of all your needed assets, Unity packages and codebase at the start of a new project with just a few clicks.Project Starter aims to be the first thing you import in a new project. Once you have a preset file created, you just import this little utility, load your preset and click "Run Preset". All other assets and files that you'll need in your project will then be imported automatically, with little to no input from you until the end.We all have a list of favourite assets that we can't go without when starting a new project. With this little utility, you define that list as a preset, save it for future uses, then run the preset and Voila! Tens of assets imported with the touch of a button.It will speed up your initial setup time for a new project.Additionally, you also get a few custom UI UXML controls I wrote to help out with the user interface (minimize / maximize groups, autocomplete text field...).Please read the documentation for a step by step process on how to use this asset.- automate import asset packages purchased from the AssetStore- automate import of packages found in the Unity Registry- automate import of custom package files- copy folders and directories- include entire preset files (containing all the above operations) in new presets