HeightMap Generation: Your tool allows users to generate custom HeightMaps for terrain creation within Unity.Control Parameters: Provide a set of adjustable parameters that allow users to customize the characteristics of the HeightMap, such as scale, octaves, persistence, pitch scale, and offset.Control Parameters: Provide a set of adjustable parameters that allow users to customize the characteristics of the HeightMap, such as scale, octaves, persistence, pitch scale, and offset.Perlin Noise Support: Use Perlin's noise algorithm to generate the HeightMap, allowing users to get realistic and variable results.Perlin Noise Support: Use Perlin's noise algorithm to generate the HeightMap, allowing users to get realistic and variable results.Live Preview: Users can preview the generated HeightMap directly in the editor window, allowing them to evaluate parameter changes in real time.PNG file export: Your tool allows users to export the generated HeightMap as a PNG file, simplifying the process of using the HeightMap within the Unity project.Controlled overwrite: When users export the HeightMap, the tool offers a controlled overwrite function, asking for confirmation before overwriting an existing file with the same name.