The ultimate tool to optimize your projects and workflow. It will save you a lot of time and effort while maintaining all the quality, and all in just two clicks. Simple but super powerful.Just keep in mind that if you want to combine textures, you must mark the read/write option, in the advance configuration of the texture in unity.AlchemeshThis tool focuses on a very specific part of video game development. A crucial part if you want your project to be as efficient as possible, and not lower the fps unnecessarily. Optimization for your project thanks to an extremely easy to use tool.We have created the ultimate tool for combining meshes and materials. 👍With this tool you can forget about having to waste time manually combining the textures of your models, modifying the uvs and checking that all this is applied correctly, because you can do all this with a single click. 😎With a simple and intuitive configuration, designed for developers (no programming knowledge required). Everything organized in a window interface to avoid having objects with unnecessary components in your scenes, and enjoy the tool globally (just one click from any of your scenes).😯An extensive configuration, but as simple as two buttons to combine meshes and materials, and an extra one to reset the default configuration (the most common for most cases). 😬Enjoy this tool in any kind of project, with all the necessary documentation, and several test scenes, so you can get used to it, and see in which ways it could be useful for you. 🤯Alchemesh has been created with the purpose of helping developers to complete their games, and make them as efficient as possible.This tool will allow you to optimize your projects without losing quality, and port those projects to other platforms such as mobile or switch, where you would normally have to spend a lot of time modifying the models so that the game experience does not suffer because of low fps.If you are still not clear about the operation of this tool I recommend you to take a look at the promotional videos in which everything you need to know is shown.Here are the key features of our Alchemesh package:Alchemesh has two modes, the materials combiner (button named "Combine Textures") and the meshes combiner (button named "Combine Meshes").Materials combination, will combine all principal textures, values, and colors, of every material contained on the reference of the editor window.The combination will package the textures in one texture, with the size that you selected. For the values will make the average, and for the colors it will make new textures of them, or mantain a white color for prioritize the textures.The mateirals combiner will automatically reposition all uvs to the corresponding texture coordinates, to maintain the same result, with a huge boost in performance.Meshes combination, will combines all models presented in a single mesh, with all the materials preserved in a single mesh renderer, and the combination is going to be consequent, and what i mean with consequent is that it going to combine all de meshes in groups of at maximum, 65535 (sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-five) vertices, which is the maximum number of vertices to combine at once, so the tool make it easier for you and prepare groups with the resultant combiened meshes.With the editor window of Alchemesh, you will be able to perfectly configure any type of material, for any situation in which your project may find itself.You can also combine both (materials & meshes) just by doing it in order. I recommend that you combine materials first, and then meshes, simply because of the way the tool is designed, but it also works the other way.And remember, in the world of Alchemesh, we prioritize textures and let the colors flow. So activate those textures and let the magic happen! "Texturing and coloring, the alchemical duo that brings materials to life.