★ Ready for use in your game ★Unity 2019+! UNDEAD GHOUL INFECTED FREE !★ANIMATIONS★See animations list in Technical details section belowEach animation contains 8 directions (using BlendTrees).You can easily control directions using parameters "Horizontal", "Vertical" in AnimatorController.Demo scene shows you how to control characters rotationAnimation events, like 'Hit', 'Shoot' setuped for attack animations.Each loop animation has parameter to control loop duration.★TEXTURES★Each spritesheet is Power of Two size. Avarage character size is 70x80, avarage spriteSheet size is 256x256.Character have normalMap for each spritesheet, if you don't use them - just delete normalMap textures to reduce package size. (NormalMaps setuped in SpriteEditor in SecondayTextures for each texture)★DEMO★Demo scene contains example how to control character rotation, loop parameters.Watch the video to get a detailed view of characters and animations.Animations list:1. AttackLeft2. AttackRight3. Death4. GetHit5. Idle6. Walk