DOM-Style (Python-Like) JSON parser/writer for Unity C#.Familiar to Python and web developers alike, DOM-style json parsing is the best way to read and write JSON files when you won't know the full structure beforehand.Most json serializers for unity need you to serialize a whole class at once. What if you want to change just one variable? What if you're saving key-bindings for a user and you add a new one in your latest release? Are you going to scrap the user's whole file? Not anymore!DOMJson lets you read and write variables to json files without creating a class beforehand. I've done all the hard work, just buy the asset and take the rest of the day off!Reads JSON into easy to use node trees.JSON trees can be created on the fly (see the screenshots).Writes JSON in an easy to read, formatted string with line returns.Has no unity dependencies (yet).Write bools, ints, floats, doubles, strings or lists of any of the above.