Unity doesn't provide support for deep linking on Windows (Standalone/EXE). But this doesn't mean it's impossible! We can make it work with a bit of alien technologies and black magic.
Do other plugins provide the same features?
No, they just implement wrappers for platforms that natively support deep linking (Windows UWP, Mac, Android, iOS).
Why do you need deep linking?
If you have a website, it's a good idea to implement interaction with your game or app. For example, users can click links or buttons on your website and automatically sign in to your game or app, open their profiles, sales in the game shop, enter network lobbies or whatever you want. Or you can send emails to your users about sales, game events or just reminders. By clicking links in emails, users will launch your game, so it's a good way to improve retention and UX.
How does it work?
At first, we need to register an URL Protocol in Registry. Then our app can be opened with a deep link, but we can't pass parameters to it. This asset provides your app with a deep linking agent that activates (focuses) your app if it's running, or runs it if it's not running. The agent is invisible for users and provides seamless experience like they usually work with deep links.
● Works both in Windows builds (exe) and inside Unity Editor
● Provides the [deepLinkActivated] event (similar to Application.deepLinkActivated)
● Can activate the app if it's running
● Can run the app if it's not running
● .NET Framework should be used instead of .NET Standard
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