Affordable Cel, Anime, Toon shader with free Glass and Metals add-on for a stylized lookThis package works out of the box for URP rendering systems in Unity 6 as well as Unity 2022.3.Glass Shader: Unity6 requires enabling Compatibility Mode (Render Graph) in File->Project Settings -> GraphicsOutlines shader does not work on web builds.There are seperate compatibility packages for older editor 2021 users, specifcally :CelShaderUnity2021_(URP 12)All 3D assets on my store uses this Cel Shader as seen on screenshots.🎮Check out the live web demo here for the main Cel Shader🎮Check out the live web demo here for the Metals add-on🎮Check out the live web demo here for the Glass add-on🎁 This package is currently included in the Neko Legends - All 3D & VFX Bundle, Nagisa - 3D Model, and Mew - 3D Model.📦The demo scenes will not work unless the free Shared Assets Demo dependency is installed first.I originally developed the Neko Legends Cel Shader to enhance my own games and products. Those interested in an affordable, high-quality shader can take advantage of this tool independently.Because I use this shader in my 3D model products, you can be sure that it will be up-to-date and additional features will be added when required.The 3D cat model included in the demo scene only contains 2 animations and 1 skin. See Mew - 3D Model for a more full featured model that includes this shader.Base Shaders (Unity 2021, 2022, 2023 and Unity 6 Compatible):MainOutline (Desktop and Separate WebGL version available)the webGL version has basic features onlyTriplanarFree add-on Features:Metals Shader (1.8.0) - Unity 2022, and Unity 6 CompatibleGlass Shader (1.9.0) - Unity 2022 & Unity 6 CompatibleUnity6 requires enabling Compatibility Mode (Render Graph) in File->Project Settings -> GraphicsShader features by section:Neko Legends/Cel Shader/MainMain Texture: Self explanatory.Color: The whiter the color, the closer to the original of the texture.Shading Color: Shadow or tint color.Render Mode: You can save rendering cycles by doing Front only. Front and back modes are useful for things like clothing.Normals Section: Similar to bump maps, but with more realistic lighting.Cel Shader Offset: Controls where the shadow shade lines start based on light direction.Cel Ramp Smoothness: Can transition from Cel to Toon styleRim Lighting: Controls where the light shade lines start based on light direction.Rim Brightness: The intensity of the rim lighting.Ambient Self Lighting: Anything above 0 means this material will show in the dark.Emissions Mask: White means more glow. Black means no glow.Alpha Clip Threshold: For adjusting clipping for transparent surface types.Neko Legends/OutlineOutline Color: The color of the outlineOutline Size: The size of the outlineOutline Growth: The range in depth of whether the outline should be drawnNeko Legends/Cel Shader/Triplanar (for platforms or terrain)Color: The whiter the color, the closer to the original of the texture.Shading Color: Shadow or tint color.Top Texture: Self explanatory.SideX Texture: Self explanatory.SideZ Texture: Self explanatory.Cel Shader Offset: Controls where the shadow shade lines start based on light direction.Cel Ramp Smoothness: Can transition from Cel to Toon styleRim Lighting: Controls where the light shade lines start based on light direction.Rim Brightness: The intensity of the rim lighting.Ambient Self Lighting: Anything above 0 means this material will show in the dark.Emissions Mask: White means more glow. Black means no glow.Alpha Clip Threshold: For adjusting clipping for transparent surface types.demo scene background is AI generated