Editor terminal with similar usage of other terminals and many commands to manage your Unity project.This asset is editor only and does not have any RP dependency. Tired of clicking through the Unity Editor and not finding the command you are looking for?Then this asset is the one for you. Featuring a terminal with similar commands to linux and Windows cmd, you will feel quickly at home if you are already used to them.💠 FEATURES 💠Terminal WindowDomain Reload SurvivalMany different commandsEasily extendable with your own commandsStyle the terminal to your likingNote:This asset is Editor-only and will not be shipped with a built game. It does support basic play mode / runtime commands for your game, so you can still use it for development purposes.This asset is sold in *.dll form, see the documentation and guides on how to use it.💠 LINKS 💠SupportDocumentationDiscordTwitterTerminalMany commands for managing UnityEasily extendable with your own commands