Adds "Show in Sourcetree" menu to easily open git project in Sourcetree on Windows.As Sourcetree on Windows struggles with context menu integration, this package adds the option to easily open the git project in Sourcetree with one click.Features:Adds Show in Sourcetree option to the Assets menu, right next to Show in Explorer.Automagically locates Sourcetree in its default installation folder.Also provides an editor to change the path to Sourcetree. Located in Tools/Open in Sourcetree.How to:Just right-click in the Project panel, and select "Show in Sourcetree".If Sourcetree is not found automagically, you will be prompted to locate the Sourcetree.exe manually.DONE - Sourcetree opens the tab with your project.Supported OS: WindowsRequires: Sourcetree installedPlease note that this package is specifically designed for Windows operating systems.If there is a need to have a similar option for other operating systems, just let me know.Also, let me know of any enhancements that could help you.Feel free to contact me at support@anotherplanet.studioFollow me at www.wickypayne.com/socialsSee also Best practices using Git with Unity https://github.com/WickyPayne/Unity-Git-GuideSupported OS: WindowsRequires: Sourcetree installed