Fully animated 2D character pack featuring a Healer Fairy. Can be used in any type of 2D game, perfect for sidescrollers, platformers, turn-based games, etc.Fully animated 2D character pack featuring a Healer Fairy.Animations included:IdleWalkingRunningJumpAttackDamagedCrouchAll animations sprites are included in PSD files (1027 x 939 px) so you can edit and customize the character in Photoshop too!Animations created with Spine2D.To use it in Unity, please download the Spine Unity Runtime package.Also keep in mind, a copy of Spine Essential or Professional is needed upon release of the game in order to use Spine Unity Runtime with permission.Disclaimer: the full background used in the preview video is not included in this pack, please check out our store. :) What you will receive with the package: tileable ground, gradient background, shadow.Idle animationWalking animationRunning animationJump animationAttack animationDamaged animationCrouch animationPSD file of all animation sprites(1027 x 939 px) so you can edit and customize the character in Photoshop too!