A lit lava shader with customizable emission, movement speed, and distortion. The shader uses a texture, allowing you to customize the effect for any liquid.In case you are using the Built-In Renderer, use folder "Built-In Renderer". In case you are using URP, there are 2 options - folder "2D Renderer" for URP's 2D Renderer (default renderer when creating a project using the URP 2D Template), and folder "Universal Renderer" for URP's Universal Renderer (default renderer when creating a project using the URP 3D Template).IMPORTANT! This asset requires the Shader Graph package for the shaders to work.The Shader Graph package already comes bundled with most Unity versions and rendering pipelines, but it can also be imported into your project from the Package Manager window inside the Unity Editor.NOTE: This asset is also part of the Essential 2D Lit Shaders Bundle – https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/slug/201882A lit lava shader with customizable emission, movement speed, and distortion. The shader uses a texture, allowing you to customize the effect for any liquid. A sample lava texture (including height/displacement, normal and specular/metallic maps), as well as a set up 2D sprite shape profile for the lava (NOTE: 2D Sprite Shape package is required, it can be imported from the Package Manager), are provided in the pack.Shader options:Main TextureAlbedoAlpha CutoffMetallic MapMetallicNormal MapNormal StrengthHeight MapEmission ColorEmission MapEmission Extra IntensityLava Movement SpeedLava Vertex Distortion StrengthAmbient OcclusionBONUS: The Shader Graph Subgraph asset included in this pack is a reconstructed standard lit shader. As such, it can be imported into your custom Shader Graph shaders, allowing you to both create custom shader effects and keep the standard shader options such as normal maps, emission, etc. For more information, see our FREE Reconstructed Lit Shader.For further information, visit the asset's page on our website: https://www.project-gamedev.com/lava-shader.htmlFor further technical details, visit the asset's documentation page: https://docs.project-gamedev.com/lava-shader/lava-shader.htmlNOTE: In case you are using the Built-In Renderer, use folder "Built-In Renderer". In case you are using URP, there are 2 options - folder "2D Renderer" for URP's 2D Renderer (default renderer when creating a project using the URP 2D Template), and folder "Universal Renderer" for URP's Universal Renderer (default renderer when creating a project using the URP 3D Template).1 Shader Graph asset + 1 Shader Graph Subgraph assetA sample 2D sprite shape profileLava textures (albedo, height/displacement, normal and specular/metallic maps)Lava material1 PDF document explaining the shader's setup, as well as its options.DeepL Translator was used to provide accurate translation to Chinese, Korean, and Japanese for localization of the asset.