A large collection of extensions for unity's animator that make working with unity animator far easier, through advanced custom animator events, tags, and accessing states data like duration or time.This is a scripting API that helps you interact with the untiy animator, it is unaffected by any rendering pipeline or technology you use, as long as you use the Animator component in your project, then you can use this asset.Summary:A large collection of extensions for unity's animator that make working with unity animator far easier, more flexible with many easily extensible behaviors, such as advanced custom animator events, tags, body parts/objects control, and accessing states data like duration or time.Description:This package requires scripting knowledge, it is a group of collection and helper components that allow you to work with the animator, and extend its features, while you are building your game, you might come across some scenarios where the basic unity animator api to be limited, like maybe you want to access the information of a state, you want to add multiple tags at given specific points of time in a given animation, maybe you want to access for how long has the animation been running, and many other things features listed below in detail, so in short this is a scripting package, you use it while you are building your own game.This asset is useful for any game that utilizes unity's Animator Component, in other words regardless of the game type you are building, as long as you use the Animator component, then this asset is for you, whether its an RTS, RPG, FPS, Multiplayer, Singleplayer any type of game.Whats in the package?🚪A massive collection of extensions that make your life when working with the animator far easier, it is super powerful, and allows you to access most information from any animator state at any point in time, you have improved animator events which do not go away even if you change clips, you have multi animator state tag where you can tag animations with specific tags and access them quickly, and events that are called from animator and you can interact with them through an inspector, or even control the activity of game objects through the animator and many more.🚪Source code is included in the package, you can modify it however you like and integrate it into your own projects, the code is highly optimized, and very extensible, it will be very easy to extend every part of this package to suit your needs, this package is built and used for multiple projects of mine, so it is made with the intention of being reusable, easy to extend and highly performant.What GenreYou can use this package in any genre you want, it does not matter what genre you are making or what type of game or project you are making, as long as your project uses the Animator Component, then this package is for you, and will help you save time, and make it easier to code your game, in fact this package is already battle tested, i made it as i was developing my own game Game Amira, and i figured it would be a good idea to share this with everyone, so regardlessd of what type of game you're making, whether its RTS, RPG, Mobile, Hyper Casual, Console, Desktop, Top Down, whatever it is, as long as you utilize animations and the animator component then this asset is for you, and will save you a lot of time.Contact:If you have any questions, feedback, or need support please reach out to us on one of the following platforms:Email | Discord | Manual | Tutorials Playlist📜Jondob Games News Letter📜Don't miss out on discounts and our new releases!Sign up to our Jondob Games News Letter📢Warning:It should be obvious from its name, but this package is called "Advanced Animator API" and it has components that behave and work without the need of coding, but to grasp and get into the full power of this asset, you will need some coding knowledge, you do not need to be a massive expert, the code is well written well documented and it has so many extentions that even a beginner could follow through.Dependencies:The asset is stand alone, it has no dependencies on any other assets, it only communicates with the unity Animator Component, and the Unity's Animator Controller, through custom code brought to you by the asset all you need to do is import, try the demos, and start developing, no dependencies other than Unity's Builtin Animator System.Features:Custom Animator Events: typically unity animation events are tied to the clip itself, if you decide to change the animation clip then you'd need to recreate the animation events on the new clip, of course, all of that in the past, with the Custom Animator Events you can keep all flags, events and messages, and change the clips with no worries.❶ You can send events at any point in time, whether it's at the when you enter the animator state, when you exit or when it reaches a point in time.❷ You can send UnityMessages (functions to scripts) you can also delegate them to different game objects❸ You can send a message to an AnimatorEventRecievers which UnityEvents, similar to OnClick in the buttons.Connect Game Objects With Animator States: a versatile BodyPartsController is included, that allows you to control specific game objects that game enabled and disabled based on where you are in the animation and configure it to multiple body parts at same time without writing a single line of codeDefine Custom Animator Tags:❶ Give an entire animator state, a tag,❷ Give portions of animator states some specific tagsInformation Accessing: You can access information from any animator state at any moment of time such as:❶ Is the state running or not❷ how long has it been running❸ Duration of the state❹ The speed that the state is running❺ The layer index in which the state exists in❻ The name of the animation clipFully Documented And Source Included: the asset is completely documented with a manual to read and utilize, the source code is also included into the asset and finally, the source code is also fully documentedA Bonus: on top of the core content of the asset, there are also over 120 modular reusable components for you to use into your project and explore, handling things from seperating triggers from collider game objects, decal stickers, or positional arrangement scripts like arranging game objects automatically in an arc, a debugger system, and an Automatic Y Sorter for your isometric 2D games, and many more.Notes:❶ Code is highly optimized, and is well suited for mobile❷ Works on all platforms including: Windows, Linux, Mac, XBox, Nintendo Switch, Android, IOS, WebGL, and in theory it should work on playstation but have not been tested on that platform.❸ Works on all rendering pipelines (Standard Rendering Pipeline, Universal Rendering Pipeline, High Definition Rendering Pipeline) as a matter of fact this is nothing but extra code on top of unity's animator component, so it really has zero effect on rendering.