Atlas: Open World Manager
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08/01(2023) |
4.99 |
11/27(2024) |
4.99 |
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Optimize your workflow while building worlds!Atlas: Open World Manager is a tool for working with large terrains. Having many terrain objects enabled at once can cause performance issues, and manually disabling and re-enabling them wastes a lot of time. Atlas' easy-to-use interface solves this problem. With a procedurally generated map, you can easily control which parts of your terrain should be active while you work.While your game runs, rendering many terrain objects at once can drastically affect performance. Atlas provides a solution in the form of its Atlas Renderer component that unloads distant terrains and locations at runtime. With tweakable parameters, you can make sure you get the most out of your game while maintaining high performance.This package also comes with a region system to divide your terrain objects into larger chunks of terrain. This makes it easy to, for example, enable all mountains while working on mountains and then disable them when you want to work on meadows.For any questions, suggestions, or complaints feel free to message me at ways of toggling terrains On/Off. Custom Editor Window.Swiftly set up large terrains.Easy to remove from your project upon completion.Region system to easily group terrains together.Runtime render distance system to optimize performance.