********WelcomeDiscordChannel********************Website & Support***************************Facebook****************Lake Coniferous - Environment Play demoScene Size (3x1.5km)Ready-to-play scene with a lake in the center, around Realistic areas ofConiferous,Birch, Aspen and mixed types of forests, also fields withwell-planted grass and flowers and paths for moving on them.Included assets with a 50% discount compared to buyingassets on your own:Nature Package - Coniferous EnvironmentWater not included!Thank you for your purchase!I would be glad if you leave a review!Warning: Out of the box, Not compatible with SRP (HDRP,URP)Check out my other assets:Nature Package - Coniferous EnvironmentNature Package - Swamp,Forest EnvironmentNature Package - Forest EnvironmentEuropean Vegetation Pack OneEuropean Vegetation Pack TwoExterior&Interior,Props PackOld Interior Props PackRealistic Grass Flowers PackBirch Forest EnvironmentSpruce Trees Pack2in1 Birch,Spruce PackOak Forest EnvironmentPBR Grass Flowers PackPBR Terrain TexturesPBR Bricks MaterialsСountry HouseFarm Models Pack